Helpful Articles for Kids

Helpful Articles for Children's DentistryFor Children and Their Smiles

What Parents Need to Know
Dentists and parents can work together to ensure that routine examinations and daily oral care provide for a child's individual needs. If your child understands what happens at the dentist’s office, visits can be positive experiences that encourage your child to adopt healthy habits for a lifetime.

An early introduction to proper oral care habits including regular checkups will help keep your child's smile healthy.

The following articles provide helpful information about topics related to children's health. Click the link for the topic you want to read. 

Having a positive attitude about going to the dentist is everything when it comes to a child. Making the visit a fun experience will keep your child’s mind at ease. Trying reading a child’s book about dentists or teeth. Try being the dentist at home by taking turns looking at each other’s mouth with a flashlight. Schedule an appointment with the dentist at a time of day when your child is most relaxed to ensure cooperation. In the context of answering questions about what occurs at the dentist's office, please avoid the mention of unpleasant topics that your child may associate with experiencing pain such as injections, or suction and bleeding. Rest assured, Dr. Seidler's approach to treating children is very reassuring, not only for the child, but for the parents as well. If you have any questions about specific treatment, please call Dr. Seidler.
At the appearance of your child's first permanent molars, usually about age six, you should consider sealants to protect your child's back teeth to help "seal out" decay. In some cases, we might also recommend applying sealants to primary teeth as well. We will apply a thin plastic coating to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. If your local water supply does not contain fluoride, we usually recommend a fluoride mouth rinse or other sources of extra fluoride.
An active child my chip or lose a tooth completely. Call us a soon as possible after the accident occurs. If the tooth is chipped, take the broken piece with you as we may be able to bond the piece back onto the tooth. If a healthy permanent tooth is completely knocked out, keep the tooth moist in milk or water and get to the dentist immediately. If you do so within the first hour, in most cases the tooth can be replanted successfully. Do no wrap the tooth in tissue or gauze or let it dry. If the tooth is a primary (baby) tooth, we may insert a space maintainer to keep the space open for the permanent tooth.
A balanced diet is essential for a child's development. Teeth, bones and soft tissue of the mouth will benefit from a regular variety of healthy foods. Your child's diet should include foods from all the five major food groups: • Fruits • Vegetables • Breads, cereals and grains • Milk, cheese and yogurt • Meat, poultry and fish and their alternatives, such as beans, eggs and nuts. Discourage sugary and starchy snack—provide bit-sized fresh vegetable instead.
Baby bottle tooth decay is the leading cause of decay and tooth loss in very young children. This condition usually occurs when a baby is allowed to nurse from a bottle of milk, formula or fruit juice continuously at nap time or bedtime. You can help prevent it by always cleaning your infant's mouth and teeth after nursing, and by giving your infant only water in a bottle or a pacifier at bedtime. You will also safeguard the health of your baby's teeth by weaning your child from the bottle at one year of age.
Primary teeth are very important to your child's development for a number of reasons. They encourage the development of the jaw bone and they reserve the space required for the permanent teeth that will follow. They also enable your child to chew solid food and assist in speech development. Moreover, they contribute to your child's positive feelings about his or her appearance and help build confidence.
Have your child brush with a pea-sized dot of fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride will help strengthen the teeth against decay. Your child will go through toothbrushes quickly, so check the brush often and replace it when it is worn out. Have the child hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and brush gently back and forth with short strokes. Make sure to brush the outside, inside and chewing surfaces of each tooth. Teach your child to finish by brushing the tongue to freshen breath and remove bacteria.
It is important to begin a daily oral care routine for your child before the first tooth appears. After each feeding, wipe your child's gums with a warm, wet cloth or a small gauze pad to remove excess food and bacteria. As soon as the first teeth appear, brush them with a small, soft-bristled brush moistened with warm water. When teeth begin to touch each other, add daily flossing to the routine. With adult supervision, most children are able to brush their own teeth by about age four, however, we recommend assisting your child at least once a day to ensure a thorough job. You should continue to monitor their oral care throughout childhood. Remember that with your own healthy oral care habits, you can be an important role model for your child.
We begin by examining your child’s mouth by looking at the teeth, gums, tongue, lips and the roof of the mouth. X-rays can be taken to detect early signs of cavities and tooth decay, depending on the age of your child and how many teeth have already grown in. X-rays are extremely important to determine the growth and development of your child’s permanent teeth.
As early as six months, when the baby's first tooth appears. A first tooth's appearance is an excellent time to schedule a well-baby dental evaluation. At that time, we'll diagnose and help prevent any future oral disorders. We can also answer any questions you have about caring for your child's teeth.